Implementations provided

The Data Distribution API is intended to be extensible, and developers are encouraged to create their own DataDistributor classes. However, many sites will find that the existing implementations are sufficient for their needs.

/example package


UML for HelloDistributor


A simple implementation, used for demonstrating the installation procedures.

Configuration properties

Property Meaning How many?
actionName Associates the instance with an HTTP request. exactly one

Request parameters

Parameter Meaning
name The name that will be echoed in the response

Example configuration:

@prefix : <> .

    a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.DataDistributor> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.examples.HelloDistributor> ;
    :actionName "hello" .

Example request:


/file package


UML for FileDistributor


Sends the contents of a file as an HTTP response.

Configuration properties

Parameter Meaning How many?
actionName Associates the instance with an HTTP request. exactly one
contentType The MIME type to be sent in the HTTP response header. exactly one
path The location of the file. If a relative path, it is relative to the Vitro home directory. exactly one

Request parameters

Parameter Meaning

Example configuration:

@prefix : <> .

    a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.DataDistributor> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.file.FileDistributor> ;
    :actionName "research_areas" ;
    :contentType "text/turtle" .
    :path "visualizationData/bme_research_areas.ttl" ;

Example request:



UML for SelectingFileDistributor


Serves the contents of a file. Selects the file by extracting a value from the HTTP request, and using it to construct the file path.

Configuration properties

Parameter Meaning How many?
actionName Associates the instance with an HTTP request. exactly one
contentType The MIME type to be sent in the HTTP response header. exactly one
parameterName The request parameter that will contain the file selector. exactly one
parameterPattern A regular expression to extract the file selector from the parameter value. exactly one
filepathTemplate A template for constructing the file path from the selection value. If the constructed path is relative, it is relative to the Vitro home directory. exactly one
emptyResponse A string to be served as an “empty data set”, if the file is not found. exactly one

Request parameters

Parameter Meaning
named in the configuration Provides a file selector value.

Example configuration:

@prefix : <> .

  a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.DataDistributor> ,
      <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.file.SelectingFileDistributor> ;
  :actionName "collaboration_sunburst" ;
  :contentType "application/json" ;
  :parameterName "department" ;
  :parameterPattern "[^/#]+$";
  :filepathTemplate "crossunit-\\0.json" ;
  :emptyResponse "[]" .

Example request:


/rdf package


UML for SelectFromContentDistributor


Executes a SPARQL SELECT query against Vitro’s content triple-store, and returns the results in JSON format: application/sparql-results+json.

You may specify the names of variables in the SPARQL query that should be bound to request parameters before the query is executed. Each value may be bound as a URI or as a plain literal value. If the request does not contain exactly one parameter for each specified binding, the response will be 400 Bad Request with an informative message.

Configuration properties

Parameter Meaning How many?
actionName as above exactly one
query The SPARQL SELECT query. exactly one
uriBinding The name of a request parameter whose value should be bound in the query as a URI. zero or more
literalBinding The name of a request parameter whose value should be bound in the query as a plain literal. zero or more

Request parameters

Parameter Meaning
as named in the configuration Values to be bound as URIs in the SPARQL query.
as named in the configuration Values to be bound as plain literals in the SPARQL query.

Example configuration:

@prefix      : <> .

    a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.DataDistributor> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.SelectFromContentDistributor> ;
    :actionName "sampleAction" ;
    :query """
      PREFIX foo: &lt;http://some.silly.domain/foo#&gt;
      SELECT ?article
      WHERE {
        ?person foo:isAuthor ?article .
        ?article foo:hasTopic ?topic .
    """ ;
    :uriBinding "person" ;
    :literalBinding "topic" .

Example request:



UML for RdfGraphDistributor


Executes one or more GraphBuilder instances. Merges the results into an internal RDF graph, and returns that graph in Turtle format: text/turtle.

The GraphBuilder instances may accept configuration parameters, as specified for the class of each GraphBuilder.

Configuration properties

Parameter Meaning How many?
actionName Associates the instance with an HTTP request. exactly one
graphBuilder Creates the internal RDF graph. one or more

Request parameters

Parameter Meaning
as permitted for graph builders See the description of the relevant GraphBuilder(s).

Example configuration:

@prefix      : <> .

    a   <java:edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.api.distribute.DataDistributor> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.RdfGraphDistributor> ;
    :actionName "mapper" ;
    :graphBuilder :mapping_graph_builder ;
    a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.GraphBuilder> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.ConstructQueryGraphBuilder> ;
    :uriBinding "person" ;
    :constructQuery """
      PREFIX rdfs: <>
      PREFIX vivo: <>
        ?pub rdfs:label ?articleName .
      } WHERE {
        ?person vivo:relatedBy ?auth .
        ?auth a vivo:Authorship .
        ?auth vivo:relates ?pub .
        ?pub rdfs:label ?articleName .
    """ .

Example request:



UML for SelectFromGraphDistributor


Executes a SPARQL SELECT query against an internal RDF graph. The graph is created by merging the outputs of one or more GraphBuilder instances. The results are returned in JSON format: application/sparql-results+json.

This is commonly used as a way to issue a complicated SELECT query against a subset of the content triple-store, when querying the full triple-store would take too long. The internal graph is built from one or more CONSTRUCT queries, and the SELECT query is executed on the resulting model.

However, it is not restricted to such use. The internal graph may be built from any source of data (see the GraphBuilder classes, below).

You may bind values from the HTTP request to variables in the SELECT query as specified in SelectFromContentDistributor. The GraphBuilder instances may also accept configuration parameters, as specified for the class of each GraphBuilder.

Configuration properties

Parameter Meaning How many?
actionName Associates the instance with an HTTP request. exactly one
query The SPARQL SELECT query. exactly one
uriBinding See SelectFromContentDistributor. zero or more
literalBinding See SelectFromContentDistributor. zero or more
graphBuilder Creates the local RDF graph, which the SPARQL SELECT query will run against. one or more

Request parameters

Parameter Meaning
as named in the configuration See SelectFromContentDistributor.
as permitted for graph builders See the description of the relevant GraphBuilder(s).

Example configuration:

@prefix      : <> .

    a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.DataDistributor> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.SelectFromGraphDistributor> ;
    :actionName "fromGraph" ;
    :query """
      PREFIX rdfs: <>
      SELECT ?person ?article
      WHERE {
        ?article rdfs:label ?articleName .
    """ ;
    :uriBinding "person" ;
    :literalBinding "topic" ;
    :graphBuilder :from_graph_builder .
    a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.GraphBuilder> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.ConstructQueryGraphBuilder> ;
    :uriBinding "person" ;
    :constructQuery """
      PREFIX rdfs: <>
      PREFIX vivo: <>
        ?pub rdfs:label ?articleName .
      } WHERE {
        ?person vivo:relatedBy ?auth .
        ?auth a vivo:Authorship .
        ?auth vivo:relates ?pub .
        ?pub rdfs:label ?articleName .
    """ .

Example request:


/rdf/graphbuilder package

As shown in the previous section, some DataDistributor instances are configured with one or more GraphBuilder instances, to build an RDF graph which is used in building the HTTP response.


UML for EmptyGraphBuilder


Creates an RDF graph containing no triples. Used for tests, examples, or placeholders.

Configuration properties

Parameter Meaning How many?

Request parameters

Parameter Meaning

Example configuration:

@prefix      : <> .

    a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.GraphBuilder> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.EmptyGraphBuilder> .


UML for ConstructQueryGraphBuilder


Executes SPARQL CONSTRUCT query(s) against Vitro’s content triple-store, and returns a model that contains the (merged) results.

Bindings for URI values or plain literal values are available as described above for SelectFromContentDistributor.

Configuration properties

Parameter Meaning How many?
constructQuery The SPARQL CONSTRUCT query. one or more
uriBinding See SelectFromContentDistributor. zero or more
literalBinding See SelectFromContentDistributor. zero or more

Request parameters

Parameter Meaning
as named in the configuration See SelectFromContentDistributor.

Example configuration:

@prefix      : <> .

    a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.GraphBuilder> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.ConstructQueryGraphBuilder> ;
    :uriBinding "person" ;
    :constructQuery """
      PREFIX vivo: <>
        ?person vivo:relatedBy ?auth .
        ?auth a vivo:Authorship .
        ?auth vivo:relates ?pub .
      } WHERE {
        ?person vivo:relatedBy ?auth .
        ?auth a vivo:Authorship .
        ?auth vivo:relates ?pub .
    """ .


UML for IteratingGraphBuilder


A GraphBuilder decorator that runs one or more “child” builders multiple times, each time providing a different value for a specified request parameter. The results of all queries are merged into a local RDF graph.

This permits the easy execution of multiple SPARQL queries that differ only in the value of a bound variable.

Configuration properties

Parameter Meaning How many?
parameterName the request parameter that will be augmented when running the childGraphBuilder(s). exactly one
parameterValue the values that will be added to the named parameter, one value for each run of the childGraphBuilder(s). one or more
childGraphBuilder The “decorated” GraphBuilder instance(s), which will produce the RDF graph. one or more

Request parameters

Parameter Meaning

Example configuration:

@prefix      : <> .

    a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.GraphBuilder> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.IteratingGraphBuilder> ;
    :parameterName "subjectArea" ;
    :parameterValue "cancer", "tissues", "echidnae" ;
    :childGraphBuilder :subordinate_graph_builder .

    a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.GraphBuilder> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.ConstructQueryGraphBuilder> ;
    :literalBinding "subjectArea" ;
    :constructQuery """
      PREFIX foo: &lt;http://some.silly.domain/foo#&gt;
        ?article foo:hasKeyword ?subjectArea .
      WHERE {
        ?article foo:hasKeyword ?subjectArea .
    """ .


UML for DrillDownGraphBuilder


A GraphBuilder decorator that runs one or more “child” builders multiple times, each time providing a different value for a specified request parameter. The results of all queries are merged into a local RDF graph.

A top-level GraphBuilder is run, and a SPARQL SELECT query is run against the resulting graph, to obtain a list of values. This list of values is then used to iterate over the child GraphBuilder instances.

This is similar to IteratingGraphBuilder, but the values for the request parameter are not specified in the configuration. Instead they are discovered, using the top-level GraphBuilder and the configured SPARQL SELECT query.

Note that a SPARQL SELECT query may return more than one named value for each result. In that case, each set of values will be used in turn to augment the request parameters as seen by the child GraphBuilder(s).

Configuration properties

Parameter Meaning How many?
topLevelGraphBuilder The source of the top-level graph, against which the drillDownQuery is run. exactly one
drillDownQuery Discovers the values that will be passed to the child GraphBuilder instance(s). exactly one
childGraphBuilder The “decorated” GraphBuilder instance(s), which will produce the RDF graph. one or more
uriBinding See SelectFromContentDistributor. These bindings will be applied to the drillDownQuery. They are not passed on to the childGraphBuilder instance(s). zero or more
literalBinding See SelectFromContentDistributor. These bindings will be applied to the drillDownQuery. They are not passed on to the childGraphBuilder instance(s). zero or more

Request parameters

Parameter Meaning
as named in the configuration See SelectFromContentDistributor.

Example configuration:

@prefix      : <> .

    a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.GraphBuilder> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.DrillDownGraphBuilder> ;
    :topLevelGraphBuilder :top_level_builder ;
    :childGraphBuilder :child_graph_builder ;
    :drillDownQuery """
      PREFIX foo: &lt;http://some.silly.domain/foo#&gt;
      SELECT ?article ?subjectArea
      WHERE {
        foo:author_123 foo:writes ?article ;
        ?article foo:pertainsTo ?subjectArea .
    """ .

    a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.GraphBuilder> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.ConstructQueryGraphBuilder> ;
    :literalBinding "subjectArea" ;
    :constructQuery """
      PREFIX foo: &lt;http://some.silly.domain/foo#&gt;
        ?author foo:writes ?article ;
        ?article foo:pertainsTo ?subjectArea .
      WHERE {
        ?author foo:writes ?article ;
        ?article ?property ?subjectArea .
    """ .
    a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.GraphBuilder> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.rdf.graphbuilder.ConstructQueryGraphBuilder> ;
    :literalBinding "subjectArea" ;
    :constructQuery """
      PREFIX foo: &lt;http://some.silly.domain/foo#&gt;
        ?article ?property ?subjectArea .
      WHERE {
        ?article ?property ?subjectArea .
    """ .

/decorator package


UML for JavaScriptTransformDistributor


A wrapper that uses a JavaScript function to transform the output of the wrapped distributor.

JavaScript code is provided by an inline script and optional script files loaded from the webapp. There must be a transform() function that accepts a String as argument (the output of the wrapped distributor), and returns a String as result.

A org.apache.commons.logging.Log Java object is created and bound to a global JavaScript variable called logger. The script can write to the VIVO log file by calling logger.error(), logger.debug(), etc. The category of the Log is edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.decorator.JavaScriptTransformDistributor.[actionName]. The logging level can be set by the usual mechanisms.

Configuration properties

Property Meaning How many?
actionName Associates the instance with an HTTP request. exactly one
contentType The MIME type to be sent in the HTTP response header. exactly one
script A string of JavaScript to be interpreted and executed. It must contain a function named transform which accepts a String as argument and returns a String as result. exactly one
supportingScript The path to a JavaScript file in the webapp. The path must be as specified for ServletContext.getResource(). That is, it must begin with a ‘/’ and is interpreted as relative to the context root of the webapp. zero or more
child The “wrapped” Data Distributor. exactly one

Request parameters

Parameter Meaning
as required by the child distributor The request context will be passed to the child.

Example configuration:

In this example, the “Hello, World” distributor is wrapped with a script that will add exclamation marks to the response as emphasis.

Note that

  • The wrapper must have an actionName that matches the request.
  • The child must also have an actionName, but it is arbitrary, since the child will be invoked by its child relationship to the wrapper.
@prefix : <> .

    a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.DataDistributor> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.decorator.JavaScriptTransformDistributor> ;
    :actionName "hello" ;
    :contentType "text/plain" ;
    :child :hello_distributor ;
    :script """
        function transform(rawOutput) {
            return rawOutput + "!!! OMG!!!"
    """ .

    a   <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.DataDistributor> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.library.scholars.webapp.controller.api.distribute.examples.HelloDistributor> ;
    :actionName "" .

Example request:
